Venue-Indian Society for International Law(Opp Supreme Court)

About Purushartha

पुरुष हमेशा पुरुषार्थ के लिए रोमांचित रहता है। हर समय और काल में इस महान देश में पुरुषार्थियो ने अपने पुरुषार्थ से हमारे समाज को पुल्कित किया है! मनुष्य यदि पुरुषार्थी है ,धैर्यवान है ,साहसी है ,और अपने लक्ष्य की प्राप्ति के लिए मन, कर्म , और वचन से एक जूट होकर कठिन परिश्रम करता है तो सफलता स्वंय ही उसके कदम चूमती है !

महाभारत ग्रन्थ पुरुषार्थ को उजागर करने वाला सबसे चर्चित ग्रन्थ है जिसकी शुरुआत : कथा है पुरुषार्थ की, स्वार्थ की, परमार्थ की कह कर शुरू की जाती है

मानव का सम्पूर्ण जीवन पुरुषार्थ के इर्दगिर्द ही रचा बसा है ! गीता जैसे महान ग्रन्थ में भी श्री कृष्ण ने मानव के कर्म और पुरुषार्थ पर बल दिया है! रामायण में भी आता है “कर्म प्रधान विश्व रची राखा“ अर्थात बिना पुरुषार्थ के मानव जीवन की कल्पना तक नही की जा सकती!

इतिहास में ऐसे अनगिनत उदाहरण भरे पढ़े है जो पुरुषार्थ के महत्व को प्रमाणित करते है! हम इतिहास टटोलकर देखें तो ईसा मसीह, सुकरात, अब्राहम लिंकन, कालमार्क्स, सिकंदर आदि ऐसे कई पुरुषार्थी पुरुष के उदाहरण इतिहास में विद्यमान है ! इनके जीवन में जितने दुःख और परेशानियां आई इन्होने उतनी ही मजबूती के साथ उनका मुकाबला करते हुए न केवल एक या दो बार बल्कि जीवन में अनेको बार उनका डटकर मुकाबले किया और अपने प्रबल पुरुषार्थ से उन समस्याओं और दुखों को परास्त करते हुए इतिहास में अपना एक सम्माननीय स्थान बना लिया |

न पुरुषार्थ बिना स्वर्ग है

न पुरुषार्थ बिना अपवर्ग है

मैथली शरण गुप्त

पुरुषार्थ व्यक्ति के लिए संसार में कुछ भी असंभव नहीं होता है। पुरुषार्थ में कोई भी व्यक्ति हमेशा अपने उद्देश्य की ओर आगे बढ़ता रहता है और अंत में वह अपने उद्देश्य को प्राप्त करने में विजय हासिल करता है। इसी कारण कहा जाता है कि उसी व्यक्ति का जीवन सफल होता है जो पुरुषार्थ से अपना, अपनी जाति का और अपने देश का उत्थान करता है।

जो लोग पुरुषार्थी होते हैं उन्हें कभी-भी किसी चीज का अभाव नहीं होता है। वो किसी के सामने हाथ नहीं फैलातें हैं वो अपने श्रम पर दृढ विश्वास रखतें हैं। उसे पता होता कि वह जो भी चाहेगा उसे प्राप्त कर लेगा। वह हमेशा आत्म-निर्भर होता है। उसे कभी-भी दूसरों का मुंह नहीं देखना पड़ता है।

पुरुषार्थ के करने से मनुष्य का अंत:करण गंगा की तरह पूर्ण रूप से पवित्र हो जाता है। हमें अपने देश की उन्नति के लिए पुरुषार्थी बनना होगा। पुरुषार्थी बनने से ही व्यक्ति को धन, यश, मान-सम्मान सब कुछ मिलता है !

Event Guest

K. T. S. Tulsi is a Senior Advocate in the Supreme Court of India and and also Member of Parliament( Rajya Sabha). He has represented many notable people in various cases. Born in 1947 at Hoshiarpur, Punjab, Mr. Tulsi graduated with Hons. in Political Science from the Punjab University and completed his Bachelors in Law...
Anshul Verma (born 18 July 1974) is an Indian politician, currently with Samajwadi Party. He had represented the Hardoi Lok Sabha constituency, from 2014 to 2019, for BJP but later quit from the party. He was born on 18 Jul 1974 in Pushptali, Hardoi, Uttar Pradesh. He has done M.A. (History), LL.B. He Educated at...

Prachand-प्रचंड Song

Event Chief Guest Speech

Awardees of Purushartha Mahotsav-2019 Held on 28th September

Anoop Khanna Receiving Purusharth Award
Mr Anoop Khanna. Dadi ki Rasoi’ is an initiative that was started by MR. Anoop Khanna (social activist). It aims at providing quality food to poor and needy people at just Rs 5. #DadikiRasoi serves food to more than 500 people per day, which is simple amazing. In today’s scenario of inflation, serving food to...
Amandeep Johar receiving Purusharth Award
Mr Amandeep Singh Johar is a Renowned activist working for gender neutral lawsfiled a pil in hon’ble Delhi high court, by which new rules and guidelines for 41A crpc implementation were formed within n.c.t of Delhi.
Sri Amitabha Das receiving Purushart Award
Amitava Das is born in New Delhi in 1947 and graduated from the Delhi College of Art there in 1972. He was appointed lecturer at the Jamia Millia Islamia University in 1974. He is best known for his existential vision of human forms in his work. He has been influenced by existential philosophy of Sartre...
Amit Sharma Receiving Purusharth Award
Mr Amit Sharma, he started his career as a journalist, Except for 15-16 years of journalism career, nowadays teaches journalism to students. In his journalism career, he felt that there was a lack of sharp correspondent and decided that he would make such a correspondent. He did not care about his career, left journalism and...
Solanki Ji Receiving Life Time Achivement Award at Purusharth Mahotsav
Chaudhary Ram Karan Solanki Pardhan Palam 360, in the suburbs of Delhi has got a family born to live for society since 80 years. Chaudhary Ram Karan Solanki, Followed the foot steps of his father, who never lived for himself. His doors are open 24 hours for any one in need. Chaudhary sahab has extended...
Ch B C Pradhan Receiving Purusharth Award
Mr Ch B C Pradhan, He started fighting for farmers rights at very early stage and since then he is fighting at every platform. He demanded national commission for farmers where daily problems of farmers can be resolved as per constitution of India. he also initiated clean villages campaign and organized health camps in villages...
Mr. Deshraj Bhatt receiving Purusharth Award
Mr Deshraj Bhatt is one of the only young people in our country who deals with Samudai, a Banjare folk artist from Rajasthan.By making music his profession, now provides free music education to the children of Jhuggi-Jhopri for the last 6 years on the one hand.Under the banner of their band called Najakat Band, all...
Deepika Narayan Bhardwaj is an independent journalist, documentary film maker and human right activist based in Gurugram, who is mainly known for raising voice for men’s rights and for her documentary film Martyrs of Marriage. She became one of the voice of the men’s rights movement in India after her documentary film Martyrs of Marriage which was made on abuse of section 498a(Anti-dowry law) of Indian...
Harbans Dunkall at Purusharth Mahotsav
Harbans Dunkall is a politician and philanthropist by profession.For the last 10 years, he has  completely dedicated to social service and is fighting a fierce battle with the land mafia within Delhi. Mr Dunkall Along with his associate has found the most fierce battle against Anjuman Hydari and their associates who were trying to grab...
Indrasen Kumar receiving Purusharth Award
Mr Indrasen Kumar, born to a financial weak family, Mr. Kumar’s Father used to do business on poor handcart.After hardship of many years, became an engineer after studying in poverty.Later Quits a good job now teaches children, and gives free education to about 25 children every year.
Dr JS Yadav receiving Purusharth Award
Dr.J S Yadav, PhD in Agri.Economics , having published more than 100 papers and authored five books. -A mix blend of Academics and Practice. Dr JS Yadav, currently Managing Director, Haryana International Horticultural Marketing Corporation, Govt of Haryana at Chandigarh/ Panchkula and also working as Managing Director National Council of State Agricultural Marketing Boards of...
Laxmi Chandra receiving Purusharth Award
Shri. Laxmi Chandra, in pursuit of right to education, he is helping 300 underprivileged children beneath a metro bridge in the Yamuna Bank.He has been educating underprivileged over eight years without any assistance neither from the government nor any NGOs.`The Free School Under The Bridge’, where hundreds of children living in shacks get an education,...
Mr Mayank Chaudhary receiving Purusharth Award
Mr Mayank Chaudhary is a Social Activist, Environmentalist, Youth Motivator , Founder and President of Social Non Profit group.He runs a community known as “Youth Network” where thousand of people are associated with him which runs cleanliness drive in Ghaziabad and Delhi Region.Youth Network Team is continuously working to plant trees in and around different...
Parul Sharma Receiving Purusharth Award
Mr Parul Sharma, an urban Planner and Disability rights Advocate working towards embedding inclusion and empowering Men having Disabilities and from deprived sections of Society.Awarded with prestigious Rotary International Ambassadorial Scholar of Goodwill award in 2010 for his contributory work towards society.International Speaker on Accessibility and Disability Issues.Assisting Men with Disabilities in advocating for their...
Sri Puttu Lal Gupta Receiving Purusharth Award
Shri Puttu Lal Gupta, born on 01 January 1943, he was employed as a technical staff in a unit of the I.A.F located in Kanpur city.Since 1976, he is actively working to promote Hindi use in Official work in all Govt and Private sector. He is working selflessly without any financial support and even after...
Rajesh Goyal Receiving Purusharth Award
Mr. Rajesh Goyal is pioneer of photography education in India. Founded Indian Institute of Photography.He started an unusual project on waste management Garbage To Garden. Its a process to make wet waste into compost.He was called by SAARC for presentation and Gandhi Smriti offered to start Swachhta ki Mashal.
Varun Khullar At Purusharth Award
Mr Varun Khullar, Born in a Delhi family of engineers, this young music producer and disc jockey is breaking barriers and establishing himself in the world of music. 26-year-old Varun Khullar, popularly known as “DJ Aamish Underground”, is a source of inspiration to the millennials who leave no stone unturned to chase their dreams.

The event key brains

Kumar S Ratan is among one of the few person in our society who has been working continuously for last 8 years to transform the society into a gender neutral society. After earning degree in computer science, he has done commendable job in the field of child development and male rights. Being very sensitive towards...
He is veteran lawyer cum Men’s right activist who thought that this world needs men’s right activism more than anything else. He started his career as men’s right activist and then pursued Law thinking that he will  bring change to prevailing system. Since last 7 years he has been working tirelessly for day and night...
An engineer turning activist who advocates for gender neutral laws. In order to persuade activism in most dynamic ways, Vikaram is pursuing law to have better legal understandings and knowledge. He has been a part of PIL on the issue of Shared parenting and joint responsibility. He has been helping and counselling men to come...

The Volunteers for the Purushartha Mahotsava-2019

Team Purusharth Mahotsav 2019
Team behind Success of the Purushartha Mahotsav 2019. Click to view individual I    Gopal at Purusharth Mahotsav     

Call for entry

Click to nominate

We are open to accepting nomination till 25 th September. If you wish to be nominated or wish to refer someone, please click the link below

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